Assembly line

In the hubbub that has been our October, I wasn’t sure the 3rd annual Halloween card-making would happen. Yet the ideas kept circling and, thanks to the assembly line approach, 18 Halloween cards were mailed this morning.

Like I do with many of my work projects, I split the design and production into several key steps. Instead of doing one card at a time, I moved the entire 18 cards through one step at a time. It definitely saves time and makes the creation of multiple pieces more manageable than daunting.

I ended up adding a step that wasn’t in the initial plan. The card as conceptualized wasn’t quite right. Or maybe it was the materials that didn’t take the ink well. Either way, I was not pleased with result. Still, there was no way in heck I was going to scrap the project. So I doggedly continued applying glitter as planned and the solution came to me. A few lines of silly, rhyming verse pulled the whole thing together.

And there’s still a week to go until Halloween. What shall we do next?

One Response to “Assembly line”

  1. Lauri Says:

    I LOVE the single eyeball. Genius! Yours or Katies?

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